Trash Sprinkles with Tim & James is a podcast variety show with personal anticdotes,cooking, eating, skits, reviews, stories and drama on the high seas!
Tastes Like Burning is cheaper by
the dozen, or so we've heard. Intro? We don't need no stinkin'
intro! Sebastian the monkey-cat almost kills James's Moto RAZR;
James & Tim sentence the neighborhood tabby cat to death; PS2 DDR
is totally fab; James's volunteer work is a total crapfest; Public
puking; 4th of July fun; Leeann disses James's homeschool
upbringing; Fortune Cookie Minute; Tim calls his dad; We dish on a
Missionary Woman; The Star Wars exhibit wasn't all it's cracked up
to be . . . unless you're smoking crack; and email us comments,
Trash Sprinkles with Tim & James is a podcast variety show with personal anticdotes, cooking, eating, skits, reviews, stories and drama on the high seas!