Jan 19, 2010
We talk about the past month we have been in pod-hybernation.
The Holidays, Tim's Birthday, Christmas Faux Pas and more.
Thank you to all of you for your support and your voicemails and
emails. We love you. Oh and Happy New Year!
Does anyone actually read this??? Let me know! tlbshow@gmail.com or tasteslikeburningshow@gmail.com.
Call us at 206-350-7345
I read this web page once and a while. it is great to have the ability to go back and see in text an item you spoke of on your show. This is also a great log for you to look back on and see if you spoke of that topic before. Lastly it could just be a great history in text form of your past shows.
Those are all REALLY good points C.B. I never thought of it that way, like an archive of sorts. Thanks for that perspective! -T