Dec 4, 2012
Leeann and Ron stopped by for a Saturday of dinner and games. We also recorded a show, but they didnt know it. James was sneaky and caught the whole thing in a recording. That's legal right? Anyway, its unedited aside from some bleeps over names. Enjoy!
Sep 17, 2012
So the Game Night Guys were kind enough to invite us to be on their live Pride 48 show. Take a listen and if you dont already Listen to the Game Night Guys!
You can find the episode HERE
Jul 30, 2012
Or Lack there of. My 3 week log about stopping smoking. I kept more of a log than I made...I'll explain inside.
Jul 8, 2012
I chat with you guys about our vacation, and how my brain misfires at the end.
Have a great week!