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Trash Sprinkles with Tim & James is a podcast variety show with personal anticdotes, cooking, eating, skits, reviews, stories and drama on the high seas! 

Sep 17, 2007

  • We have puppy problems (but nothing too bad) while we debate (and praise) the Dog Whisperer. 
  • James has a meeting at work and it is irritating and pointless. 
  • Our new weekly segment: "Leeann's Bitch of the Week"
  • Tech support for parents is hard, but over the phone? Fuggedabowdit . . .  
  • Psychotic white Mustang chases...

Sep 12, 2007

The Texas Mourning Dove Massacre; Liam Sullivan's Kelly is gonna BETCH SLAP you, shetbag; Tim farts to the tune of Sara Silverman; Tim and James ponder why Show 7 has so many downloads; The newest big news at the Tastes Like Burning studios is a bitch . . . well no he's actually a boy, so really it's just a dog; Leeann...